What can be diagnosed during a whole body MRI examination at Intuens?

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the best and most accurate medical imaging tests available. Below is a list of what can be diagnosed with a full body scan at Intuens.

Note 1: You can click on the plus (“+”) next to each line below to see a list of items screened for in that category.

Note 2: At the bottom of the page, the limitations of the comprehensive examination are outlined.

Nervous system

  • Acoustic schwannoma
    Arachnoid cyst
    Arteriovenous malformation
    Balo concentric sclerosis
    Brain abscess
    Brain aneurysm
    Brain hemorrhage
    Brain infarct
    Brain mass
    Brain metastases
    Circle of Willis Variant Anatomy
    Developmental venous anomaly
    Generalized brain volume
    Hypertensive microangiopathy
    Indeterminant lesion of the brain
    Marburg variant of multiple sclerosis
    Multiple sclerosis/Demyelinating disease
    Non-specific/Age related white spots
    Perivascular space
    Pineal Cyst
    Pituitary mass
    Small vessel ischemia
    Tumefactive demyelinating lesion
    White matter disease

  • Spondyloarthropathy of the cervical spine
    Spondyloarthropathy of the lumbar spine
    Conus level
    Number of vertebrae
    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
    Anomalous number of ribs
    Bone cyst of the spine
    Bone island of the spine
    Bone marrow edema of the spine
    Bone metastases
    Congenital spinal canal narrowing
    Demyelinating plaque
    Indeterminant bone lesion of the spine
    Indeterminant lesion of the spinal cord
    Kyphosis / Lordosis
    Schmorl's node
    Soft tissue edema
    Spinal cord infarct
    Spinal cord metastases
    Spinal fracture
    Spinal stenosis
    Split cord malformation
    Spondyloarthropathy of the thoracic spine
    Tarlov / perineural cyst
    Tethered cord
    Transitional vertebra
    Transverse myelitis

Respiratory system

  • Cyst in the hypopharynx
    Hemorrhagic cyst of the hypopharynx
    Indeterminant cystic lesion of the hypopharynx
    Indeterminant nodule of the hypopharynx
    Known solid mass lesion of the hypopharynx
    Metastases of the hypopharynx

  • Atelectasis
    Hemartoma of the lungs and mediastinum
    Indeterminate nodule of the lung
    Lung consolidation
    Lung metastases
    Lung nodule
    Lymphadenopathy of the chest
    Pleural effusion
    Scar of the lung
    Tumor of the lungs and mediastinum

  • Cyst of the nasal pharynx
    Enlargement in the nasal pharynx
    Hemorrhagic cyst of the nasal pharynx
    Indeterminant cystic lesion of the nasal pharynx
    Indeterminant nodule of the nasal pharynx
    Inflammation in the nasal pharynx
    Known solid mass of the nasal pharynx
    Lymphoma in the nasal pharynx
    Metastases in the nasal pharynx

  • Deviated nasal septum
    Granuloma of the inner ear or mastoid air cells
    Indeterminant lesion of the sinus
    Lymphoma of the sinuses
    Mucous retention cyst
    Polyposis of the nasal airways and/or sinuses
    Sinus nasal polyp

Vascular & circulatory system

  • Accessory spleen
    Hemangioma of the spleen
    Indeterminant splenic lesion
    Spleen appearance
    Splenic artery aneurysm
    Splenic cyst
    Wandering spleen

  • Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck
    Indeterminant cystic lesion of the neck lymph nodes
    Lymphoma in the lymph nodes of the neck
    Metastases in the neck lymph nodes
    Reactive or inflammatory lymph nodes of the neck

  • Additional Clinical Observations-Heart and great vessels
    Aortic aneurysm
    Cardiac metastases
    Enlarged heart
    Indeterminant cardiac lesion
    Pericardial effusion
    Pericardial fat

Endocrine glands

  • Diminutive Thyroid
    Enlargement of the thyroid
    Hemorrhagic cyst of the thyroid
    Heterogeneous Appearance of Thyroid
    Indeterminant thyroid nodule
    Inflammation of the thyroid
    Irregular cystic lesion of the thyroid
    Lymphoma in the thyroid
    Solid thyroid mass
    Thyroid appearance
    Thyroid cyst
    Thyroid metastases

  • Adrenal abscess
    Adrenal adenoma
    Adrenal cortical carcinoma
    Adrenal cyst
    Adrenal hemorrhage/calcification
    Adrenal lymphoma
    Adrenal metastases
    Adrenal pseudocyst
    Cortical hyperplasia
    Hemangioma of the adrenal gland
    Indeterminant lesion of the adrenals

Urinary system

  • Bladder diverticula
    Bladder obstruction
    Bladder polyp
    Bladder wall thickening
    Bladder/Ureter calculus
    Cancer of the bladder and ureters
    Duplex ureter
    Hernia of the bladder
    Indeterminant lesion of the bladder and ureters
    Septation in the bladder and ureters
    Total size of bladder
    Urachal remnant
    Urinary tract metastases

  • Absent kidney
    Atrophied kidney
    Duplex kidney
    Horseshoe kidney
    Indeterminant cystic lesion of the kidney
    Indeterminant fat-containing kidney lesion
    Indeterminant solid kidney lesion
    Kidney stone
    Malrotation of kidney
    Polycystic kidney disease
    Proteinaceous cyst
    Renal angiomyolipoma
    Renal cell carcinoma
    Renal leiomyoma
    Renal lipoma
    Renal oncocytoma
    Renal papillary adenoma
    Simple cyst of kidney
    Transitional cell carcinoma of the kidney
    Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis

Reproductive system

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
    Calcification of the prostate
    Heterogeneous prostate
    Indeterminant prostate lesion
    Prostate abscess
    Prostate cancer
    Prostate cyst
    Prostate visibility

  • Dermoid
    Fibromatosis of the ovary
    Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
    Indeterminant ovarian lesion
    Ovarian cyst
    Ovarian teratoma
    Ovarian tumor
    Ovary appearance
    Polycystic ovary

  • C section scar
    Endometrial thickness
    Fluid in the cul-de-sac
    Heterogeneous endometrium
    Indeterminant lesion of the uterus
    Intrauterine Device (IUD)
    Nabothian cyst
    Mullerian duct anomaly
    Uterine adenomyosis
    Uterine cancers
    Uterine cystocele
    Uterine fibroid
    Uterine position
    Uterine prolapse

Breast tissue

  • Breast cancer
    Breast cyst
    Breast implants
    Breast tissue density
    Indeterminant breast lesion

Digestive system

  • Agenesis of the liver
    Angiosarcoma of the liver
    Beaver tail liver
    Biliary cystadenocarcinoma
    Biliary cystadenoma
    Biliary hamartoma of the liver
    Caroli disease
    Cystic hepatic metastases
    Enlarged liver
    Fat deposition to the liver
    Focal nodular hyperplasia
    Hemorrhagic adenoma
    Hepatic adenoma
    Hepatic biloma
    Hepatocellular carcinoma
    Hydatid cyst
    Indeterminant heterogeneous lesion of the liver
    Indeterminant lesion of the liver
    Iron deposition
    Liver abscess
    Liver hemangioma
    Liver metastases
    Lymphangioma of the liver
    Partially resected liver
    Polycystic liver disease
    Riedel lobe
    Shrunken liver
    Simple cyst of the liver
    Variant anatomy of hepatic vessels

  • Abdomen and pelvis lymph nodes
    Bowel adenocarcinoma
    Bowel carcinoid
    Bowel lymphoma
    Bowel mass
    Bowel polyp
    Crohn's disease
    Diverticular disease
    Indeterminant bowel lesion
    Mucosal thickening
    Ulcerative colitis

  • Esophageal benign leiomyoma
    Esophageal malignancy
    Esophageal polyp
    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
    Indeterminant lesion of the esophagus
    Mucosal thickening

  • Adenomyomatosis
    Bile duct dilatation
    Bile duct stricture
    Biliary cancer
    Choledochal cyst
    Gallbladder appearance
    Gallbladder septation
    Indeterminant biliary lesion
    Phrygian cap

  • Cyst of the oral pharynx
    Enlargement of the oral pharynx
    Hemorrhagic cyst of the oral pharynx
    Indeterminant nodule of the oral pharynx
    Inflammation in the oral pharynx
    Irregular cystic mass of the oral pharynx
    Known solid mass of the oral pharynx
    Lymphoma of the oral pharynx
    Metastases of the oral pharynx
    Narrowed Airway

  • Ductal adenocarcinoma
    Endocrine pancreatic tumor
    Fatty infiltration of the pancreas
    Indeterminant cystic lesion of the pancreas
    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
    Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
    Mucinous cystadenoma
    Pancreatic pseudocyst
    Serous cystadenoma

  • Gastric adenocarcinoma
    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
    Hiatus hernia
    Indeterminant gastric lesion

Musculoskeletal system

  • Ankle hemangioma
    Ankle metastases
    Ankle tumor
    Bone cyst of the ankle
    Bone island of the ankle
    Bone marrow edema of the ankle
    Bursitis of the ankle
    Degeneration of the ankle
    Effusion of the ankle
    Muscle atrophy with fatty replacement of the ankle
    Muscle tear of the ankle

  • Bone cyst of the shoulder
    Bone island of the shoulder
    Bone marrow edema of the shoulder
    Bursitis of the shoulder
    Degeneration of the shoulder
    Effusion of the shoulder
    Muscle atrophy with fatty replacement of the shoulder
    Muscle tear of the shoulder
    Shoulder Impingement
    Shoulder hemangioma
    Shoulder metastases
    Tumor of the shoulder

  • Bone cyst of the bony skeleton
    Bone fracture
    Bone island of the bony skeleton
    Bone marrow edema of the bony skeleton
    Bone metastases
    Hemangioma of the bony skeleton
    Indeterminant bone lesion
    Muscle atrophy with fatty replacement
    Muscle tear of the bony skeleton
    Soft tissue abnormality
    Tumor of the bony skeleton and/or soft tissue

  • Baker's cyst
    Bone cyst of the knee
    Bone island of the knee
    Bone marrow edema of the knee
    Bursitis of the knee
    Degeneration of the knee
    Effusion of the knee
    Knee hemangioma
    Knee metastases
    Knee replacement
    Muscle atrophy with fatty replacement of the knee
    Muscle tear of the knee
    Tumor of the knee

  • Bone cyst of the pelvis and hips
    Bone island of the pelvis and hips
    Bone marrow edema of the pelvis and hips
    Bursitis of the pelvis and hips
    Degeneration of the pelvis and hips
    Effusion of the pelvis and hips
    Hemangioma of the pelvis and hips
    Hip impingement
    Hip replacement
    Muscle atrophy with fatty replacement
    Muscle tear of the pelvis and hips
    Pelvis and hips metastases
    Tumor of the pelvis and hips

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
    Osteitis condensans ilii
    Prior fracture of the sacroilliac joint
    Recent fracture of the sacroilliac joint
    Rheumatoid arthritis
    Sacroiliac joint bone marrow edema

Limitations of a MRI whole body scan

The following restrictions apply to whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans:

  1. They may support but are not intended to prevent or replace specific screenings for specific diseases (including but not limited to colonoscopy, mammography, cervical cancer screening, and lung screening).

  2. They are effective in screening for lesions 1 cm in diameter or larger in the head, neck, chest, abdomen, and hip, but may not detect all abnormalities or diseases.

  3. They are limited to aneurysms 3 mm in diameter or larger.

  4. They do not assess the condition of the heart or cardiovascular system.

  5. They do not detect lung tissue or nodules.

  6. They detect a limited number of large joints in a way that the screening does not provide a comprehensive diagnosis of joints (including but not limited to osteoarthritis, spondylosis, and hip arthropathy).

  7. They are not intended to detect skin conditions.

  8. They are not intended to replace specialized screenings and imaging of individual body parts for specific diagnoses..