Frequently Asked Questions
About whole body MRI health scans and Intuens
Here are answers to frequently asked questions.
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There is no need to prepare specifically for the examination other than to fast from food and drink for 2 hours before. It is good to keep in mind that you have to lie still for up to 50 minutes. It is good to have removed all jewelry and watches.
ATTENTION! Unfortunately, people who have a pacemaker cannot come to us for an examination
You start by entering your full name in the Intuens lobby. From there you go to a changing room where you change into other clothes provided by Intuens (top and trousers). After that, you will be referred to the study, where you will lie on an examination bench in the magnetic resonance imaging machine and be well taken care of. The mattress on the bench is thick and we offer Netflix or soothing videos to watch. The examination takes approximately 50 minutes and it is important to lie still the whole time to get the best pictures. The device is noisy but you will be provided headphones and/or earplugs. A radiologist reads the images. It may take 7-10 days for the results to arrive. föt á vegum Intuens (bolur og buxur). Eftir það er þér vísað í rannsóknina þar sem þú liggur á rannsóknarbekk í segulómtækinu og lætur fara vel um þig. Dýnan á bekknum er þykk og við bjóðum upp á að horfa á Netflix eða róandi myndefni. Rannsóknin tekur u.þ.b 50 mín og það er mikilvægt að liggja kyrr allan tímann til að fá sem bestu myndirnar. Það er hávaði í tækinu en þú verður með heyrnartól og við bjóðum einnig upp á eyrnatappa. Röntgenlæknir les úr myndunum, það getur tekið 7-10 daga fyrir niðurstöðurnar að berast.
Total time is about an hour, 5-10 minutes in preparation and 55 minutes in the device. You can relax and watch Netflix or a relaxing video while we scan you.
Yes, you need to fast for 2 hours before the test. You should abstain from food, drink, tobacco, and chewing gum. The reason for fasting is that it is easier to see the internal organs in the upper abdomen, especially the bile ducts and pancreas.
You will receive a detailed medical report in English in digital format that provides an overview of all the major organs in your body, along with information on what we find that needs further examination.
Ultimately the choice is yours. If cancer or serious diseases are common in the family, it makes sense to come for an examination at Intuens earlier in life. The incidence of cancer increases with age, and rises from the age of 40. However, cancers in those younger than 40 are sometimes more aggressive, although they are less common. A study at Intuens at any age can be useful, especially to get a basic picture of your health and then see what the trend will be.
Comparing your most recent health screening results with the last ones can provide very important information about your health. We therefore recommend coming in for a full health screening every year - but that is of course up to you.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to scan people with a pacemaker. There is a risk that the magnetic field in the device interferes with the functioning of the pacemaker, and we do not want that.
It is completely safe.
It is possible that you will feel heat in the tattooed area, but this is very rare.
Please let our staff know before you go for the MRI so we are aware of the tattoo.
There are many types of implants. We need more information about your transplant.
The good news is that most implants are MRI safe. However, there is a possibility that the implant affects the photos we can take around it.
Almost all designs of IUDs are suitable for MRI.
But let our radiologist know, just in case..
If you think there is a possibility that you have metal particles in your body, especially if there is a possibility of such in the eyes, then we need to get an X-ray to make sure that it is safe to go for an MRI. We will order an X-ray for you if you wish.
The goal of the research is to detect diseases early and thereby improve the chances that they can be cured. If we find anything serious, a specialist doctor will contact you and carefully review the results and refer you elsewhere if necessary. All Intuens clients are offered an interview after examination with a specialist doctor.
Our team of radiologists
Studies have shown that an MRI scan during pregnancy is safe, but we do not recommend coming for a complete screening during pregnancy unless your doctor has specifically referred you to us for a well-considered matter.
Our MRI scanners have a very comfortable mattress, a larger opening than usual and offer Netflix during the screening, all so you can stay as still as possible. If you move, there is no danger, but it affects the quality of the images taken by the MRI and thus the quality of the results of the full screening.
You can book and pay for someone other than yourself, but each booking must be accompanied by a correct name, email, social security number (if you are an Icelandic citizen) and phone number. You can also purchase gift cards online.
MRI is not considered to be a harmful imaging modality. Magnetic resonance imaging creates cross-sectional images without intervention and without ionizing radiation. The MRI machines have a strong magnetic field and the magnetic field should not be harmful to anyone. However, it must be kept in mind that certain metals and metal implants must not enter the magnetic field. Therefore, it is important to let the radiologists at Intuens know if you have any metal implants or metal before going to the MRI.
We will send you the results and report of your whole body health screening 10-15 days after your arrival.
Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is an imaging technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of the body. The technology uses the properties of the body's hydrogen atoms and measures their movement. The magnetic field causes the hydrogen atoms to move in a certain way through which cross-sectional images of the body can be created. Magnetic resonance imaging shows the function and structure of tissues and various organs in the body, where different diseases can be diagnosed. Unlike X-rays and CT scans, MRI does not use ionizing radiation.
Tesla is the unit that measures magnetic strength. A 3T magnetometer is therefore a 50% stronger magnetic field than a 1.5T device. Both 1.5T and 3T MRI scanners have their advantages and are suitable for different clinical situations. Some may find the experience in the 1.5T transducer more comfortable. 3T MRI scanners have a stronger magnetic field, which could lead to more noise and more vibration during the exam. In some cases, clients may have certain metal implants or devices that cannot enter the 3T MRI scanner for safety reasons. A 1.5T device may be a safer option for these individuals as the magnetic field is halved. The 1.5T magnetic resonance device in Intuens offers very good image quality and is more environmentally friendly than many other devices.
Our magnetic bench holds up to 250 kg and the opening has a circumference of 70 cm.
The MRI machine in Intuens has a 70 cm opening, which provides more comfort than a traditional MRI machine. Before the investigation begins, you will receive an emergency button in the palm of your hand. If you feel discomfort during the examination, press the button and the radiologist will talk to you. In addition, we offer a range of entertainment, you can choose from Netflix, radio or soothing videos. You choose what is best for you so that you feel comfortable. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you.
No, an MRI does not use dangerous radiation during screening, and you can go as often as necessary for an MRI.
Yes, there is a lot of noise when performing MRI examinations. However, we do offer noise cancelling headphones to watch the entertainment that we offer. We also provide earmuffs and earplugs to improve comfort during the examination.
Philips magnetic resonance devices feature a new technology called Compressed SENSE. This revolutionary technology cuts the time of each image series and the total time of research in half. This technology allows Intuens to see a complete picture of the whole body in less than an hour. This time savings made possible by Compressed SENSE can increase diagnostic efficiency and confidence, as well as increase client comfort. The new MRI comes with a particularly comfortable mattress on the MRI bench. The mattress ensures a comfortable position for each client, even for longer examinations. Philips also offers entertainment while an examination takes place, and with the entertainment along with a comfortable mattress, every examination becomes a pleasant experience. Philips offers light and flexible imaging tapes that are used to get better picture quality. Short cables and small connectors are included with each coil, and it is easy to adapt to each person's anatomy in no time. Weighing up to 75% less than conventional imaging tapes, they deliver excellent image quality and great customer satisfaction. The 1.5 tesla magnetoreceptor in Intuens has a BlueSeal magnet that is filled only once with 7 liters of liquid helium and then completely sealed. This not only makes the system more stable, but is also better for the environment as bulky helium transport is no longer necessary.
In short, Philips offers greater comfort for clients due to the 70 cm wide opening in the magnetic probe, less noise pollution, recreation during the scan, and up to 50% faster scan time compared to traditional image series.
There are significant differences between Intuens and other imaging services, but we generally do not make comparisons. Intuens offers full body screening as well as offering MRIs with a doctor's referral. Intuens takes up to 2,000 high-quality images of the whole body, but the basic principle is that more images provide more information. Intuens captures images from head to toe in 60 minutes, and that cannot be found with other imaging services.
Intuens býður upp á skimun fyrir allan líkamann ásamt því að bjóða upp á segulómrannsóknir með vísun frá lækni.
Intuens tekur allt að 2000 hágæða myndir af öllum líkamanum en grunnreglan er sú að fleiri myndir veita frekari upplýsingar.
Intuens tekur myndir frá höfði og niður fyrir tær á 60 mínútum sem ekki má finna hjá öðrum myndgreiningarþjónustum.